Judgment Day
Okay. So here’s the deal.
When I was a sophomore in high school, I had a crush on a guy whose father was a preacher. So I attended his church for awhile (I still can’t believe I did that!). Bible study during the week was an important part of attendance.
Although I inevitably moved on to my next crush, my participation at this church yielded an unexpected bonus. I discovered my favorite verse - the one that instantly spoke to me - during Bible study: Matthew 7:1.
“Judge not, that you not be judged.”
It worked hand-in-hand with “Love your neighbor as yourself.” I liked that. It also was very clear to me that judgment was reserved for God alone.
This is one of the reasons I take such great offense at people treating those of us who choose to be Domestic Commandos as social pariahs. I just don’t see why they believe they are entitled to think I am not worthy of their respect. Conversely, I don’t care to judge people who make different choices. Whether they choose to (or need to) work after they have children or whether they choose not to have children at all doesn’t elicit an opinion from me. Everyone is different, and I am fine with that.
But I am not fine with someone choosing to disrespect me. I will simply consider that person as ceasing to exist.
Not a judgment, but a deletion.